Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does it mean to dream about the sun?

What does it mean to dream about the sun? In my dream, I was sitting directly in front of the sun (not in outer space) and it was shining brilliantly. It felt warm, bright yet so comforting like visiting an old friend/relative. The sun was so close to me I was at an arms length from touching it. I was worried for some strange reason that I was soo close to it I needed sunblock! I was afraid of getting burned, but I wasn't! lol The other bits of my dream were fuzzy, but I just remember making something out of wood 3x following a formula which involved the numbers: 3,8, & 5. There was also a rabbit, but I cannot remember the details. Yet the sun was the most vivid, beautiful image of the dream. Please help! Most appreciated!

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